December Tech Tips

December Tech Tips Dawn's Dope Digital Diary 📙 eBinders and Student Portfolios Both of these projects can easily be created using Google Sites. They are a wonderful tool to keep your students organized, engaged, and creative. With learning happening online, providing students with a digital option to store and curate their work promotes creativity and an authentic method of sharing their content. Our own Kevin English, from WCW, has been using Google Sites as a platform for student portfolios for a few years now. Here is a student example shared with permission. eBinders are meant to be accessed and used regularly throughout your course. Student Portfolios, are meant as a platform to showcase your best work. I love this teacher's video on how to create and use eBinders in the classroom. He walks you through the entire process and how he uses these binders in the classroom. Check out his website to see specific examples of student eBinders. Cheryl's Sees...