March Tech Tips

Blogging About Bloggers Debugging Digital w/ Dawn I have followed Eric Curts for years now. His blog, Control Alt Achieve , is full of top notch information and resources every month. Eric is a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator. He is always a high demand presenter at ISTE and CUE. His blog has an extensive archive of past resources and has everything labeled for easy searching. Follow him on Twitter as well @ericcurts Because I am such a fan of his work, I reached out to Eric and asked if he would be willing to present at our March Virtual Training event. Lucky for us, he made the time! One of the silver linings to our Virtual world is that getting top notch presenters like Eric has now become more accessible. I hope you will all join us March 15th for Eric's presentation on using Google Tools for Struggling Students. This presentation is full of resources and is applicable for all students. Andrew's Analog Anthol...