Get Ready for Tech Fest August 2021

Saying goodbye 2020-2021 and hello to opportunity! As we make our way to the finish line for this school year, your Digital Education Coordinators are prepping another Tech Fest opportunity to begin the next school year. We are in a different place than we were at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year: everyone has acquired stronger technology skills and knows the world of Zoom, Google Classroom, Seesaw and Clever to name a few. Now it's time to fine-tune what we have learned to elevate our teaching. Tech Fest August 2021 will be two days of trainings to gear up for the new school year. Tuesday, August 3rd will be platform and pedagogy. We start off with an amazing keynote speaker, George Barcenas. Then prepare to reset your mindset and reacquaint yourself with the basic digital platforms. Sessions from Seesaw Ambassadors will get TK-2 grade teachers ready. Eric Curts will dazzle us with Google Classroom tips and tricks. Wednesday, August 4th , be prepared to cr...