February Tech Tips

February Tech Tips Dawn's Digital Diary: This digital scavenger hunt is good for grades 3-12 and is actually a lesson on Creating Google Slides. The idea is to use this as a front loading and independent discovery lesson. Pass out the lesson and see how much the students are able to figure out on their own. Then, provide the answer slide deck to help them learn the areas they were unsure of. This is a great way to have students do some self exploration and often they find other nuggets of learning along the way. Google Slide Scavenger Hunt Google Slide Scavenger Hunt Answer Deck Cheryl's Creative Corner: Have you heard of Breakout EDU challenges? In a spin on the popular escape room challenge, a digital version combines: a virtual “ room ” (often a Google site or Google Form) filled with clues that must be figured out. A digital lock made from an online form (usually a Google form) that students try to unlock. These Digi...